
Number of works: 152. Results page: 4.

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Rising Mists (Blue Mountains)

Oil on canvas laid down, 33 x 47 cm

Australian & European Paintings, Geoff K. Gray, Sydney.

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Poplars at Sunset

Oil on canvas, 24 x 29 cm

Australian & European Paintings, Lawsons, Sydney.

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Oil on board, 25.5 x 35.5 cm

Australian Paintings, Prints & Books , Christies, Sydney.

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Blue Mountains 1930

Oil on canvas, 52.5 x 69 cm

Major Fine Art Auction, Deutscher~Menzies, Melbourne.

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Cumulus Clouds

Oil on board, 34.5 x 44.5 cm

Australian British, New Zealand & European Historical and Contemporary Paintings etc., Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

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Tracks to the Beach 1906

Oil on canvas, 78 x 93.5 cm

Quarterly Fine Art Auction, Lawson~Menzies (now trading as Menzies), Sydney.

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Rainbow Over Sydney Harbour

Oil on canvas, 29 x 39 cm

Australian & International Art, Davidson Auctions, Sydney.

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South Sydney Coast 1920

Oil on canvas, 36.5 x 47 cm

Fine Art, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

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Cumulus Clouds

Oil on board, 34.5 x 44.5 cm

Australian British, New Zealand & European Historical and Contemporary Paintings etc., Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

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Sydney Harbour

Oil on canvas, 35 x 39.5 cm

Australian and European Paintings, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

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